- Genre: SchreibReisen-LeseWelten
- Beteiligte: Jostein Gaarder
Veranstalter: Verein Literaturhaus
2084 – Nora´s World. Literary talk (in English)
Veranstalter: Verein Literaturhaus
Duration ca. 90 minutes; for 7th form students
Jostein Gaarder was born in Oslo on August 8th, 1952 and is a Norwegian intellectual and author of several novels and children´s books. Gaarder often writes from the perspective of children, exploring their sense of wonder about the world. His best known work is the novel „Sophie´s World", subtitled „A Novel about the History of Philosophy". This popular work has been translated into fifty-three languages, there are over thirty million copies in print. It was filmed in 1999. In his futuristic new novel „2084 – Nora´s World" (Hanser Verlag) 16-year-old Nora dreams about what life will be like in the year 2084. Her granddaughter Nova writes her letters from the future, life on our planet will have changed dramatically, the sea level will have risen and camels graze in Norway. It is the story of a committed young woman who knows about the dangers our planet faces and who tries to do her best that these visions will not turn into reality. A few passages from the book will be read in German by Gerard Es, an actor, and afterwards Jostein Gaarder will be happy to talk about his books.
As the lecture can be attended by two classes of students (from the age of 16 onwards) and a limited number of interested people, it is absolutely necessary to contact Peter Fuschelberger in advance, either by email: fuschelberger@literaturhaus-salzburg.at or by phone: 0662 422411-17 It is highly recommended that students should be familiar with one of the author´s books.
Wir begrüßen gern zwei Klassen ab der 11. Schulstufe und eine begrenzte Anzahl von erwachsenem Publikum, weshalb die Anmeldung unter 0662 422411-17 oder fuschelberger@literaturhaus-salzburg.at unbedingt erforderlich ist. Die Vorbereitung der beiden Klassen für den Veranstaltungsbesuch ist sehr erwünscht, nähere Informationen bei der Anmeldung.