- Genre: From the age of 16 onwards
- Beteiligte: Elizabeth Wein
Veranstalter: in cooperation with dtv, Junges Literaturhaus
Veranstaltungsort: Literaturhaus
Code Name Verity
Veranstalter: in cooperation with dtv, Junges Literaturhaus
Veranstaltungsort: Literaturhaus
about 80 minutes
Code Name Verity is a World War II thriller focusing on the friendship between an English and a Scottish woman, a transport pilot and a spy. The novel captivates with its form, different perspectives, narrative modes and the tension between fiction and historical fact, satirical irony and bitter, cruel seriousness. And it is definitely an advantage that the Gestapo officer, who leads the interrogation of Verity, one of the two protagonists, is competent in literary matters: Oh, he´s good. I would never in a million of years have guessed that SS-Hauptsturmführer Amadeus von Linden is a „student of literature” (page 56)
A fiendishly plotted mind game of a novel.
The New York Times
As both of the lectures are done in English, students attending the lecture should be 16 years old at least and it makes sense that they are familiar with the extracts
of the novel that are provided by Peter Fuschelberger.
Language support (for the audience) in the discussion with the author by Lotta Fränzel, student at SALIS (BG Zaunergasse)
Elizabeth Wein, * 1964, is an American-born writer. She is best known for her young adult historical fiction. Her 2012 novel, „Code Name Verity”, was awarded an Edgar Allen Poe Award for Best Young Adult Novel and shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal as well as recommended by Jury der Deutschen Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.
Elizabeth Wein has a passion for planes, and she possesses a private pilot licence which she received in 2003.