- Genre: Literary Talk
- Beteiligte: Holly-Jane Rahlens
Veranstalter: Junges Literaturhaus
Veranstaltungsort: Gymnasium Herz-Jesu-Missionare
Infinitissimo – Everlasting
Veranstalter: Junges Literaturhaus
Veranstaltungsort: Gymnasium Herz-Jesu-Missionare
Für 11. Schulstufe
It’s the year 2264. Despite incredible technical advances, scientists of the 23rd century are at a loss to solve the problem of a decimated human population. The young historian Finn Nordstrom, a specialist for turn-of-the-millennium popular culture, is asked to translate newly-discovered diaries written in extinct German. Finn Nordstrom lives in a passionless but otherwise worry-free and peaceful world shaped by community spirit, leaps in science, and the promise of immortality. All is well until he begins decoding Eliana’s diaries. Following the progression of her life from page to page, he becomes fascinated by the young girl blooming into womanhood right before his eyes… Infinitissimo is the tale of a quest through time and space to rescue a lost emotion — love. Holly-Jane Rahlens, a born New Yorker, moved to Berlin as a young woman, where she has flourished in the German media world, working in radio, television and film, and creating a series of highly praised one-woman shows. In 2003 her novel Prince William, Maximilian Minsky and Me earned the prestigious Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis as the best young adult novel published in Germany. It was adapted into the major motion picture Max Minsky and Me, which has since earned prizes around the world. Infinitissimo is her seventh novel. Holly-Jane Rahlens liest die „antiken” deutschsprachigen Tagebucheintragungen aus dem 21. Jahrhundert auf Deutsch, die englischsprachige Narration aus dem 23. Jahrhundert trägt sie im Original vor. Diskussion und Moderation dann ebenfalls auf Englisch. Zur Vorbereitung versorgt Sie das Junge Literaturhaus mit Textauszügen (auf Englisch) in Klassenstärken.